
People, Leadership & Culture

Absenteeism & Vitality

Data-driven Wellbeing and Absenteeism

"Less absenteeism starts with you - Are you taking advantage of all your resources?"

Your organization is facing high absenteeism, which is impacting productivity, workplace atmosphere, and overall business performance. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), absenteeism in the Netherlands was 5.5% in the first quarter of 2024. Although this is an improvement from 2023, it remains higher than the pre-pandemic rate of 4.7% in Q1 2019 and previous years. Notably, 1 in 5 workers reported that their most recent absence was partly or entirely due to work-related issues. This presents a clear opportunity for employers to address and improve workplace conditions. 

Laurent Knook
Laurent Knook

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Irma Doze
Irma Doze

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You likely already invest in employee wellbeing, but is it truly effective? While you may have basic dashboards, a PMO, and interventions aimed at reducing absenteeism, these often lack in-depth analysis. Consequently, you might not be effectively identifying, monitoring, and addressing the root causes of absenteeism, leading to generic and ineffective interventions.

A recent study in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that companies unable to utilize detailed data analysis often experience absenteeism rates 30% higher than the average. This translates to significant additional costs, loss of manpower, and increased workload for remaining employees, creating a negative cycle. In the workplace, this manifests as:

  • Colleagues skipping breaks to meet deadlines.
  • Employees working overtime and missing family dinners.
  • Projects stalling because a new project manager needs to be hired and onboarded.
  • Increased workloads resulting in shorter customer call times and decreased customer satisfaction.
  • The longer you delay addressing absenteeism, the more employees will miss work, exacerbating these issues.
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Imagine everyone in your organization full of energy at work. How wonderful that would be. Therefore, the important question: how do you effectively improve employee wellbeing?

"How do you address employee wellness?"

These six data-driven resources will help you reduce absenteeism and increase vitality:

  1. What are the root causes of absenteeism, and which ones can we influence?
  2. Where are the bottlenecks in our current system?
  3. What are realistic goals for absence reduction per manager or department?
  4. How much absenteeism can we expect in the future, and where?
  5. How can we optimally deploy absenteeism professionals like occupational health physicians and case managers?
  6. Is our absenteeism approach effective, and which interventions and providers are working best?


Is it time for a breakthrough in absenteeism?

Get in touch with Laurent to discuss the possibilities!

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