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Digital Strategy & Execution

Digital Strategy & Execution
"To keep up and stay relevant, organizations must digitally transform at an ever-faster pace."
Organizations become more and more digital and dependent on technology. Technological breakthroughs follow each other in rapid succession. We see digital transformations have impact in many processes in an organization. A digital transformation may have impact on an organization's customer interaction, on its processes in the value chain, on performance management and may even change the business model or introduce new business models. In order to be able to benefit from the opportunities of digital transformation, organizations need to have an digital strategy.
Digital strategy for digital transformation
The speed and direction of your digital transformation is set by new technologies, new service offerings to your customers, data driven processes, cloud technology, cost management and new ways of working. The first thing to do when you consider a digital transformation is to build a digital strategy. Highberg helps its clients with the development of their digital strategy and with the execution of this strategy. The digital strategy of an organization is based on the vision this organization has on its (digital) future. The vision provides direction in achieving your business goals, powered by technology. The digital strategy is the starting point, it is followed by other strategies, like a data strategy, a sourcing/cloud strategy and an information strategy. This is where you seek a balance: you do not want to spend years in building strategies (and not doing anything) but you also do not want to rush into execution without a plan or a roadmap. Of course Highberg helps its clients with the building of all these strategies.

Digital strategy & execution
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