Agile governance

Agile leadership

Internal and external circumstances demand of every organization, that it be designed agile. The question is no longer whether you want to work agile, but how you set this up for your organization. And how you shape Agile leadership in doing so.

Interne en externe omstandigheden vragen van elke organisatie, dat deze wendbaar wordt ingericht. De vraag is niet meer of je agile wil werken, maar hoe je dit inricht voor je organisatie. En hoe je hierbij vorm geeft aan Agile leiderschap. 

Agile transformation

However, in our turbulent society with disruptive technologies and constantly changing business models, organizations are given little time to develop an Agile vision. At the same time, employees, IT departments as well as suppliers are already demanding the next level of Agile maturity. A continuous Agile transformation is the result.

And when all the required flexibility has been realized, the results of Agile working can still be disappointing. So how do you manage the coherence of your organizational goals in an agile organization? Do you use Agile portfolio management for this, for example? What exactly is scaled Agile? And how can it contribute to the grip on all (organizational) developments? 

To help you grow in agile maturity, we have bundled our experiences in the inspiration poster Agile governance.

Agile governance (Dutch)

Want to know more? Please feel free to contact Ron Mostert, he is happy to come and explain the poster.

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