
Risk, Resilience & Compliance


Hiring Data Protection Officer (FG)

Hiring Data Protection Officer

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) requires several organizations to appoint a Data Protection Officer (or FG). But what does a Data Protection Officer actually do? Or its advisory colleague, the Privacy Officer? In any case, it is not easy work: an FG needs to know a lot, but also has to make difficult trade-offs and (if the FG role is a part-time role) combine this role with numerous other roles. If that is at all possible, because an FG must be an independent position from the point of view of the AVG.

For this reason, the role of Data Protection Officer or Privacy Officer is also often placed outside the organization. From Highberg, our privacy specialists work as (interim) Data Protection Officers or Privacy Officers. But which type actually suits you? Are you looking for an authority who keeps a straight back? A sparring partner who puts your interests first? Or are you looking for an advisor who helps and builds bridges?

Steven Kant
Steven Kant

Get in touch

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When we start working as Data Protection Officers or Privacy Officers from Highberg, we will discuss with you what is best for you. We also agree beforehand what tasks and contributions you can expect from the Data Protection Officer or Privacy Officer. On this basis, we put together a package of tasks that we carry out at a fixed and predictable price. This provides certainty, also financially.

Our FGs and Privacy Officers work part-time for their clients, but are available full-time. We call that 'as-a-service', which you can see as 'unburdening'. Because behind every Highberg Data Protection Officer or Privacy Officer, there are numerous specialists in the legal field, or ICT ready for you. So your FG or Privacy Officer has an answer to every question. In addition, the Data Protection Officer or Privacy Officer is always available, because colleagues take over in case of vacation or illness. Unburdening.


Privacy Podcast

In conversation with the FGs of the municipality of Rotterdam & The Hague about their surprising switch

In November of last year, Diana Comijs and Matthijs Mulder, at that time the FGs of the municipality of The Hague and Rotterdam, came with surprising news. They would switch FG positions for a year. Such an action has not been seen before in the privacy world. How did they come up with this idea? What inspired them and what do they hope to learn from this switch? And is it really a temporary switch, or is it possible for longer than one year?

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