Custom privacy advice

The General Data Protection Regulation (or AVG) is not always clear. Is it allowed? Is it not allowed? Sometimes you just want to know how things really are. And if you can't find answers or are in doubt, what should you do?

Our privacy advisors provide clear advice and clear choices. Even if the world is not black and white. What that means for you? We are not of hot air, but of clear answers. With every question we get, we look at who can best answer it. And if the law does not provide clear answers, we advise in the spirit of the law. We look at both the required substantive knowledge (legal, ICT) and the specific context (industry, process). With our combined knowledge of 20 privacy specialists within Highberg and over 80 other specialists, we are sure to come up with a good answer.

Courtney Don
Courtney Don

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Our privacy consultants provide advice on the General Data Protection Regulation, but in a practical way. We provide answers so you can get on with your actual work and not be distracted unnecessarily by privacy concerns. Whatever question you have, bring it on! Highberg's privacy specialists love a challenge.

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