People Analytics Discovery Workshop

Want to take a data-driven approach to HR or learn more about People Analytics? With the People Analytics Discovery Workshop, we'll take you and your colleagues on a 2 to 4 hour journey into the fascinating world of data-driven HR. During this lively and interactive session, we will delve deeper into:

▪️ What is People Analytics?

▪️ What is the value of People Analytics?

▪️ How do you successfully get started with People Analytics?

▪️ What are examples of People Analytics?

▪️ What People Analytics roles exist, and what does each role entail?


For whom is this People Analytics discovery workshop?

The workshop is primarily designed for organizations looking to start with People Analytics or those who have already taken some steps and seek inspiration. It can be used as a deep dive into the subject for an HR Management Team or as a lighthearted yet valuable session during a team day. Anyone can participate in the workshop regardless of their role or experience. Of course, we tailor the content of the workshop to the context in collaboration with the client.

What are the requirements for the People Analytics discovery workshop?

The best workshop emerges when:

▪️ The client shares information in advance, including HR strategy, HR Operating Model, and HR project portfolio.

▪️ Two or three key stakeholders in advance, including HR Strategy, HR Operating Model, and HR project portfolio. 

▪️ Workshop participants share their learning needs.

Additionally, there are the usual requirements, such as a comfortable room with a projector and flip chart. No complicated preparations required!

What budget is required for the People Analytics discovery workshop?

A budget of EUR 1.495,- is required for this workshop. This budget is exclusive of VAT but includes travel time, preparation, the workshop itself, and follow-up/evaluation after the workshop.

Register here for the People Analytics Discovery Workshop


Do you want to know more about People Analytics?

Contact our expert Gido!

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