
People, Leadership & Culture

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Data driven Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

"Data empowers change, and guides you in the transformation to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.”

The business case for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is indisputable. Organizations working on DEI achieve better results and have a higher capacity for innovation. In addition, these organizations are more attractive in the labor market, giving them an edge in attracting scarce talent.

Highberg offers various services and products to organizations in their DEI-transformation, resulting in a more diverse and inclusive organization.

Henrieke van Bommel
Henrieke van Bommel

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Gido van Puijenbroek
Gido van Puijenbroek

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What we mean with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity is about the visible and invisible differences between people. The most well-known and commonly measured example is the difference between men and women. But other differences could be a person’s cultural background, sexuality, or disability.

Equity focuses on achieving fairness by recognizing and addressing the individuals’ diverse circumstances and needs. It involves distributing resources, opportunities, and support based on the specific requirements of different groups or individuals. This differs from equality, which refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. It implies the idea of treating everyone the same regardless of individual differences.

Inclusion is about how employees can be themselves in the workplace if they are valued for their unique qualities and characteristics and can express themselves. An organization with a high level of diversity, but a low level of inclusion, will not benefit from its diverse workforce.

What Highberg offers

Data driven? Diversity, equity, and inclusion is about people, isn't it?

Data driven means that decisions are made based on available data. This is not just about 'raw' data, but about investigating different variables to gain greater clarity about your business. In many situations, we already make data-driven decisions, such as checking our bank account or expecting turnover. Within HR, in particular, data-driven decisions are increasingly being made, such as when planning strategic personnel planning.

A data driven approach can be taken for DEI. By blending quantitative and qualitative data, one can gain important & clear insight and support for proposals.

Without a data driven approach, research into DEI often brings insufficient insight. This often concerns gut feeling, or what one sees happening in the workplace or hears in conversations with employees. This often turns out to be insufficient. DEI is often about differences that are not visible

to everyone, and employees are often hesitant to communicate openly about such issues. In addition, in a large organization, the overview is quickly lost.

By using a data driven approach, an organization gains insight into the bigger picture and common themes through nuances in quantitative data can be explained by collecting qualitative data.

Among other work, Highberg performs an annual benchmark on the degree of diversity and inclusion among the Dutch population. Click here to see the results.

Setting up data driven DEI takes time and space


Want to know more about data driven DEI?

Contact Henrieke, our DEI expert 

Related DEI products and services
