Maturity measurement for data-driven working
More and more public organizations recognize and experience the value of data-driven working. Data contributes to solving societal issues. Additionally, data helps make operations, service delivery, and accountability more effective and efficient. However, implementing data-driven working within an organization does not happen automatically.
Data strategies and programs guide the ambitions that organizations have to become more data-driven. At the same time, gaining insight into the current situation and the steps needed to achieve the set ambition is often difficult. Highberg's maturity measurement for Data-Driven Working provides a comprehensive view of the state of affairs in organizations that are either at the beginning of their data-driven working development or are further along in their transformation.

Model for the data-driven organization as a basis for the maturity measurement
We conduct the maturity measurement based on our model for the data-driven organization. While we are convinced that data-driven working is valuable for every organization, a maturity measurement is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Customization is necessary to properly align with an organization. What could a maturity measurement look like for your organization?
"The DGW workshop is a great framework to anchor the discussion about where your organization stands. It was both an enjoyable and enlightening morning."
Eric Jansen, Senior Policy Officer for Safety – City of The Hague
Second Option for Organizations Starting with Data-Driven Working
A second option is recommended for organizations at the beginning of their DGW journey, or for smaller organizations or departments with relatively short internal communication lines. Unlike the previous variant, we start here with a workshop. This workshop aims to facilitate discussions among various stakeholders. In this workshop, different DGW statements are ranked in terms of their applicability to the organization. The value of the workshop lies in the interaction over the statements. What is everyone in agreement on, and where do different perspectives arise? Through this group process, the strengths within the department or organization are revealed, as well as areas where improvement is needed. In follow-up workshops, we identify the organization's main challenges with the same group and create a roadmap together.
Of course, a combination of methods is possible. In consultation, we choose an effective and efficient approach that fits your organization and provides the most comprehensive view of DGW maturity.
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