Arjan van VenrooijStandardization of digital learning materials for schools

By: Arjan van Venrooij

A big change is quietly taking place in many primary and secondary school classrooms. Chalkboards and books have given way to smart boards, ipads and digital teaching methods. The digital content this requires is more in line with the experiences of today's children. In addition, digital teaching methods also have the advantage that schools can provide much better customized education and the progress per child can be tracked in a student tracking system.

Een Highberg klantverhaal: Standaardisatie van digitaal leermateriaal voor scholen

For schools, it is important that not only content from a specific teaching method (from a publisher) can be used, but also self-developed or open content can be easily found and freely used.   

As program manager,Highberg was responsible for the Educational Content Chain program, which aimed to make digital learning resources more findable and accessible and to improve their usability. With the effect that schools are better able to offer customized content.   

To achieve this, we brought together all parties involved in the "production chain" of digital learning materials. From providers of learning materials (mostly educational publishers), distributors and software suppliers to schools and umbrella organizations such as the Kennisnet Foundation and the Educational Publishers Group. Together we have made agreements about searching, finding, making accessible and using digital learning resources. With the student as the main winner, of course.   

Want to know more? Feel free to contact Arjan van Venrooij. 
