Roadmap to the Cloud

The municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk was created on January 1, 2011, from a merger of the municipalities of Bodegraven and Reeuwijk. Currently, the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk - located in the middle of the Green Heart - has about 35,000 inhabitants. After the merger, the municipality has had some financial challenges which has led to the postponement of major investments in its ICT environment. Replacement investments in the ICT area are imminent.


The municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk asked Highberg to define an ICT vision, strategy and roadmap for the transition to cloud services and the strengthening of the governance organization. This involved a broad group of representatives from the municipality to ensure that the right considerations were made, and choices were supported by all stakeholders. 

The study resulted in a final report describing the IT strategy.  In the final result, various recommendations were bundled into a roadmap of projects (including an estimate of the associated costs). This allows the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk to make a targeted start on implementing improvements in ICT and its ICT organization. Precisely the latter has been supported by Highberg with figures based on the performed formation test focused on the provision of information. 

Part of the report is the target architecture that Highberg drew up for the redesign of workstations and the transition of business applications to the cloud. Highberg also made a proposal for the design and formation of the management organization and strengthening IT governance. The proposals were translated into a project's roadmap with an overview of related costs and investments for the period 2020 - 2023. 

These results enable the municipality to implement the intended cloud transition and governance of supply and demand for its information services in a focused and planned manner in the coming years. Director of operations and services of the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk Peter van Boggelen says about the usefulness of the report, "The final report is not a static document but a very useful and practical tool for the entire organization to achieve jointly set goals." 


In its approach, Highberg analyzed the needs, improvement opportunities and preconditions of the various municipal components. In addition, Highberg helped the municipality establish a vision and accompanying guiding principles with which to guide ICT in the coming years. 

By means of analyses, scans, interviews and workshops, the environment of the municipality of Bodegraven was mapped out and it was determined where the focal points in the field of information provision lie. In addition, the ICT of the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk was scrutinized, both organization, IT policy, ongoing IT projects and opportunities for improvement were identified. Peter van Boggelen on the approach: "the course of action was one with some tough discussions between consultant and municipality that led to mutual understanding, resulting in a jointly shared end result." 

VKA advised the municipality to maintain and even intensify the path to the Cloud already underway in order to accelerate the transition to the Cloud. Initially, the municipality will deploy on an IaaS or Paas environment but later will grow to a SaaS-based environment as much as possible. 

Based on the personas drawn up, the impact of the move to the Cloud is also translated into the ICT resources that employees need. At the same time, the personas also create more insight into the ICT resources that employees need to cope with the social challenges they face (for example: work/life balance). 

With all these recommendations, Highberg gives an impulse to the information provision of the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk to get it further in order. After these first steps, the municipality is able to implement further innovation, such as data-driven work, deployment of new technology such as A.I. and IoT in the environment. Peter van Boggelen on continuing: "VKA has delivered a product that is understandable and applicable to the entire organization, creating broad support for the steps we are going to take to achieve our goals." 

Want more information? Please contact Joost van Lier.

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