Recruiting bias check

Does everyone have an equal chance of being considered for a job? AnalitiQs' Recruitment bias check analyzes whether there are significant differences between groups of applicants and the ultimate probability of being hired for a job.

The job market is upside down and every organization does its utmost to attract good staff. Nevertheless, there is a large group of people in the Netherlands who want to work (more), but ultimately do not get this opportunity. CBS calls this unused labor potential.

In an organization, this can mean that certain groups of people, for example women or people with a different or bi-cultural background, have less chance of being hired. Alternatively, they may be hired but have to prove themselves first and are therefore lower graded. A direct cause of pay differences.



Research shows that the above is common. Everyone possesses prejudices, and these prejudices can cause applicants not to be hired because they do not meet the ideal image. Or job applicants are hired, but for a lower position because they are expected to perform this work less well.

These biases are also known as bias. As an organization, it is important to be aware of this bias and then take action on it. To gain insight into any bias in the recruitment process, AnalitiQs has developed the 'recruitment bias check'. This check analyzes whether or not different groups proceed to the next steps in the recruitment funnel. It can be analyzed whether certain groups (e.g. women) are offered a job significantly less often. This analysis can be carried out on the total of all vacancies, but also, for example, specifically for senior management vacancies.


Want to know more?

The recruitment bias check is part of Highberg's data-driven approach to Diversity & Inclusion. Want to learn more? Contact us.

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