Organizational models based on essential principles: smart organizing

Read the article "Smart organizing" that Sjoerd Hogenbirk and Miriam Maan wrote for the journal TvOO on the website of or download it below.


Do you remember it? The summary block in your training around establishment models? 

Briefly, because it wasn't that interesting and secondly, there was really only one author really worth reading in this area, namely Mintzberg. He wrote his most important work The Structuring of Organizations in 1979, which is 46 years ago! And for a long time, nothing changed in the firmament of organizational models. But now there are different flavors! In this article describe what all those flavors are a reaction to and what types of models there are. In our working definition, an organizational model is a method of dividing up work (structure, task distribution, task assignment) and coordinating tasks (control, reward).

Continue reading the article 'Slim Organizing' that Sjoerd Hogenbirk and Miriam Maan wrote for the trade journal TvOO on the website of or download it below.

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