One identity in the criminal justice chain
As soon as someone is arrested by the police, their identity must be established. This is important, for example to make sure that the right person is on trial and that it is the same person who is serving any sentence. To prevent mistaken identity and identity fraud, an unambiguous determination of that identity is essential. Not only at the police station, but at all organizations in the criminal justice chain (court, house of detention, prison, etc.).
The program Information Provision Criminal Justice Chain (Progis) was set up to meet this need. All organizations in the criminal justice chain now have a system for recording and verifying a person's identity. Each suspect's identity is determined based on their biometric characteristics (photograph and fingerprints) and identity documents. This data is then immediately available throughout the chain; thus, all information about suspects and convicts already present somewhere in the criminal justice chain is quickly and efficiently accessible to every officer in that chain.
To successfully run a program of this magnitude with so many different organizations, program communication is crucial. This is provided from Highberg, where stakeholder management and the proactive management of perceptions receive special attention.
Want to know more about this subject? Feel free to ask William Swaters.