Highberg reviews Business Case Hansken for Police organization

The Dutch Police have been using the digital forensic platform Hansken since 2015. This platform was developed by the NFI and enables the Police to search and analyze large amounts of seized data carriers. This often involves potentially valuable data within large-scale and complex investigations.  

Almost all relevant data can be searched and filtered. Think for example of words and names, but also properties of traces such as emails, instant messages or photos. With Hansken, agents can now successfully and efficiently search for the imaginary needle in the haystack.


Business case recalibration earlier than planned

In 2019, the Police established the business case for the use of Hansken through 2024. However, the expiring contract with the NFI at the end of 2022 has pushed the business case recalibration forward. VKA's recalibration serves several purposes:

  • Choice of whether or not to renew the contract with the NFI
  • Review of the implementation and use of Hansken within the Police Department
  • Vision for the use of Hansken in the future.

In other words, is the business case established in 2019 still valid? And what is the future of Hansken for the Police? VKA has answered all these questions with the business case review.

Link video: link.

VKA performs quick scan of current use and implementation of Hansken

Commissioned by the Police, VKA initially performed a quick scan on the current use (in 2022) and implementation of Hansken. Using a document study, over 20 interviews and further coordination, VKA prepared the quick scan. VKA then presented the quick scan to the steering committee, incorporated review comments and produced a final version that was approved by the steering committee.

VKA constructed the quick scan using the chronological timeline of relevant events over the past few years. In addition, on the basis of predefined research questions, VKA formed an initial picture of the current state of affairs and implementation of Hansken. In which the internal deployment, the collaboration within the Hansken community, and the realization of the goals as outlined in the 2019 business case were examined. VKA shared this picture, including advice on deployment and usage, the target architecture needed, contract renewal and follow-up actions, with the Police. In addition, VKA has shared observations and advice with the Police on the Police's multiple complex chain collaboration around Hansken. The Police adopted this picture - including advice - in its entirety. 

Link video: link

From quick scan to business case enrichment

On the basis of the established quick scan, VKA then recalibrated the business case. To do this, VKA used the information previously retrieved from the document study and the interviews conducted. In addition, VKA conducted validation interviews with representatives of the Police. This business case was also presented to the steering committee. After the presentation, the business case was shared for review and VKA incorporated the review comments and provided a final version. Ultimately, the steering committee approved and adopted the final recalibrated business case in mid-February.

On the basis of the business case prepared by VKA, the Police decided to continue with Hansken for longer. The Police also adopted the direction of further development proposed by VKA and made decisions about the structure of the support for the investigation teams working with Hansken. Thus, the adopted recalibrated business gives direction to the further development of Hansken within the Police in the coming years.

Would you like to know more about business cases, quick scans on IT environments? Please contact Pim Schouten of Joost van Lier.

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