DNB: Greater clout through ICT outsourcing
In 2017, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) decided to outsource its workplace services, data center, network services, application development and application management. DNB's goal with the outsourcing was to increase the flexibility and agility of the ICT organization, achieve a relevant digital transformation and a more sustainable support of ICT services. In addition, the aim was to make the ICT more efficient. This should become possible, among other things, through the deployment of cloud technology.

For DNB, information security is crucial. DNB's ICT fulfills a vital role in society, partly because DNB is responsible for systems for the benefit of payment transactions in the Netherlands. Therefore, the ICT must meet strict standards of both DNB itself and the European Central Bank.
Highberg supported DNB in outsourcing its ICT function. The outsourcing took place in two tenders. The first tender concerned workplace innovation and data center transformation, and the second tender had application development and management as its scope. Both lots went to market in 2018. The workplace innovation and data center transformation lot, which also includes network services and the service desk, was awarded to one supplier, which may provide the services for the next four years. These ICT services will be transformed into a cloud environment in the coming years, naturally where this is allowed and possible within the frameworks of the information security policies of DNB and the European Central Bank.
The application development and management plot has been contracted in the form of co-sourcing services with two suppliers, both of which have signed master agreements with DNB.
Highberg (in cooperation with QA Services) supported DNB in the role of project manager, sourcing specialist, content specialist and financial expert. This broad approach enabled us to contract services for DNB that fit within the scope, finance and security frameworks set by DNB.
The result for DNB is an outsourcing of ICT services that will enable DNB to focus more on realizing its ambitions for digital transformation in the coming years.
Want to know more? If so, please contact Pim Schouten.