Cadastre on track

Where is the boundary between your garden and your neighbor's? And which property belongs to whom? The Land Registry registers who owns which rights to all real estate (land and buildings) in the Netherlands.

This legal task and data are available to everyone and the data help individuals, companies and (semi) governmental organizations in making important choices. The Land Registry has recently successfully completed a renewal of its Land Registry. In this project, Highberg advised with its method for making strategic projects succeed with IT.

Waar loopt de grens tussen uw tuin en die van uw buurman? En welk vastgoed is van wie?

Need digitization?

Society is digitizing and changing. For example, the Land Registry has to deal with many more splits and changes of registrations. On top of that, more and more complex legal facts are being submitted that came into the outdated AKR/HYP registration system with increasing difficulty. In addition, there was a shortage of people who can work in the Cobol programming language, which underlies the software being used. The Cadastral Registry to be replaced was running up against its technical, economic and manageability limits. Simultaneously, the goal was also to improve the registration process. Both the system and the processes were adjusted. In short, digital transformation in practice.

Program manager Rob Agelink says of the process, "The goal of the new system Koers was also to introduce a different way of registering. In the old system AKR/HYP, mutations were registered directly and validated afterwards. In Koers, the choice was made to verify the notarized deed based on the legal facts described. This has made the entire process of registration faster and qualitatively better."

Success factors digital transformation

The Land Registry has replaced its basic register through a programmatic approach and an incremental software development methodology. It is a major and complex job where the migration succeeded D-day in one weekend. In the process, the line organization was involved and committed through the Heading program. The organization asked Highberg to provide periodic advice using our Independent Critical Conscience. This is a proven method of organizing dissent based on seven success factors in order to ensure the success of complex projects involving IT.

The Land Registry finally implemented this basic register Heading in 2018 with attention to a minimum deliverable (MVP) and adapted organization (MPV). Among other things, the Land Registry worked with shadow teams to also optimize acceptance and support. Naturally, not everything goes well in such operations, but this was also adequately communicated and teething problems were quickly resolved during implementation. The Koers key register is adaptable and can cope with future developments such as the application of automatic text registration or Artificial Intelligence.

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